Ep. 279 - What It Takes To Be A World Class Transformation Coach

Jul 4th, 2022


Ep. 279 - What It Takes To Be A World Class Transformation Coach

I have very high standards for trainers at RNT Fitness. I’ve interviewed 100s over the years, and the only ones I’ve seen to be successful in actually working with us long-term are the ones who tick all of the following three attributes:

1) Walking the walk. It’s crazy I gotta even say this but with online training on the rise, it’s too easy to get in half decent shape once in your life then hide behind your laptop relying on old pictures. Any trainer worth their salt is always walking the walk, at every stage of the journey that they coach their clients on. Whatever that phase may be - muscle building, lifestyle or fat loss, they should be pushing the envelope and really living it. By the way - it doesn’t mean you need to be shredded year round. It means you gotta practice what you preach year round.

2) Obsessed with learning everything to do with transformation. Training, nutrition, mindset, lifestyle…you need to be living and breathing it, and always be deep diving. I’ve spent tens of thousands of hours and £ on my learning over the past decade, and it doesn’t ever stop. The best trainers are the ones who can’t get enough of the topic. And it’s easy to spot who’s frontin’ and who takes this seriously as a long-term career AND calling.

3) Caring more about the client’s holistic result than the client (not just before/after!). You can’t measure this one, only feel it. With zero barrier to entry or accountability in this industry (this will change soon for sure), there are a ton of cowboys posing as ‘online coaches’ just because it’s trendy + a wave. The reality is, most don’t even care about the work they do, and it’s not a real part of who they are. It’s a phase. Again, you can just tell who’s in it for a quick buck and who’s dedicated their entire life to this. The best trainers are the ones who don’t have a plan B, they are all in and they are obsessed with the results of their clients. All they want is to transform lives.

If you’re a coach who ticks all three and wants to join the home of the best coaches, email us on careers@rntfitness.com today, or click the hiring application link in the show notes today.

For those of you on the search for trainers, or wondering what makes a good trainer, I hope this episode helps you.

00:00 - Intro
00:22 - Practise what you preach
14:50 - How you look does not determine your knowledge
17:31 - Why is it so hard to coach the general population
23:38 - Obsession with learning
33:35 - Caring about your client's holistic overall result
37:15 - The best trainers doesn't have a Plan B
40:55 - The RNT Culture
46:10 - What are we looking for?
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