
First Time Mum Komal Battled Health And Mental Issues To Emerge Stronger And More Confident

I’m a first time mum to a 22 months old boy. I started my journey with fitness & eating 7 years ago and within that time I completed a 12 week program with RNT.

The last 7 years was the first time I maintained the same body weight without yo-yo dieting. I held my weight whilst improving my body composition with weight training. When RNT came along I finally started seeing the results I really wanted as well as taking my training & body composition to the next level. Slimmer thighs, tighter waistline, increased strength & definition. Pregnancy was a traumatising experience for me. I suffered from severe rhinitis, hay fever, gestational diabetes, a very premature baby along with steroid injections, insulin drip for 12 hours, a rare autoimmune condition post birth & 8 weeks of corticosteroids & a very weakened immune system to top it off. I was in a bad state physically & emotionally.

I was overweight, lethargic & had no drive left in me. This wasn’t me. I was the girl who used to be in the gym 4 times a week strength training & enjoyed every moment of it. I had to find that part of my identity again. Motherhood can be a lonely gig as most will know so I felt it was really important I did this again for myself.

Once I had a better hold of motherhood I knew I wanted to enroll back with RNT the following year.

I’ve always followed a life of routine & structure before becoming a mother. It’s one I’ve always thrived on. Being a mum has new challenges & I wanted help getting back on track without fatiguing myself with any guesswork.

I chose to come back to RNT as I had been through the process before & I knew I would obtain what I was looking for. Structure, control, long term life solution as well as wanting to try and beat my previous goals.

I’ve really enjoyed working with the RNT process as it’s not just any plan. The plan was structured around the time I had available to me whilst being a mum. Injuries not a problem they can be worked round, socials not a problem these can be worked around. A plan has to be realistic & this is exactly what RNT delivers.

It feels amazing to be back & comfortable in my own skin! I have more energy as well as being able to cope a lot better with the demands of motherhood.

When I first started my journey with creating good eating habits & weight training. I was in awe of the physical changes which drove my motivation. However that was just physical, the rest soon followed. Lowered thyroxine dosage, less tiredness, added glow to my skin, more agile as well as better cardiovascular performance. After my first round with RNT I also had a scan to confirm that I no longer had any signs of polycystic ovaries. This meant I’d reversed it without any medication or ops. Pure nutrition & training. I think that alone speaks volumes.

I would also like to thank the RNT Coaches for both guiding me through the process with a lot of empathy & understanding; as well as knowing when to give me that push. I look forward to carrying on my journey with RNT!

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