
From Sluggish to Strong: On-the-go Mum Sonal's Journey to Regain Control Over Her Health

Weight Gain Gone Wrong

Sonal was a busy working mum in her 30s who’d let her weight gain go too far.

After feeling like she was underweight, she decided to eat more… but it didn’t go as she’d planned.

Rather than exercising and building lean muscle, Sonal was overeating and gaining unwanted body fat.

Sonal went from underweight to overweight in the blink of an eye and was losing control.

By trying to feel better about her body, Sonal had completely forgotten about her health.

Her weight gain hadn’t been thought through properly and she didn’t pay attention to her food.

“I gained weight due to many people saying I looked too skinny and even sickly, but I was just eating junk food which caused fat in areas that didn’t allow my clothes to fit properly.

“I had gotten complacent with my nutrition and fitness. I got out of breath easily and I felt sluggish with this unhealthy diet of freezer meals and chips. I rarely ate fruits and vegetables.”

Now she was overweight with a high body fat percentage, she began to struggle…

Soon enough, she was suffering from painful joints and had a hard time moving around.

“Even though I didn’t look unfit, I had a hard time walking longer distances and stairs.”

Sonal was frustrated that she couldn’t walk much and knew she had to make changes before things got any worse.

She was scared that her health was only going to deteriorate and her family would suffer because of it.

She expected fad diets to fix it all, but they never did.

“I’ve always been a very bandwagon fitness person, either training hard during a sports season only or jumping on a fad like P90x which wasn’t sustainable.”

Then she realised that her issue wasn’t just her weight…

“Another moment was realising that I was spending my time on social media and not progressing in my life goals.”

Sonal was ready for a life change.

She didn’t want to feel sluggish or tired anymore.

She was determined to feel energised and productive again.

After seeing her husband and friends’ transformations working with RNT, Sonal knew that she wanted the same results for herself.

“My husband did RNT and made huge improvements in his life not just weight-related. Many people in the family were joining as well. Seeing their journey was motivational and inspiring.”

So she jumped on board to become the best version of herself.

Taking on the Challenge

Sonal began her journey with RNT with motivation.

“The first month of the process was challenging but I felt I had the mental and physical capability to do it after supporting my husband through meal prep and giving him time to workout.”

But hearing what other people had to say made it more difficult to stay on track…

“Social activities were the hardest with people unable to understand why I would be doing a “diet”. I questioned why I was putting myself through this if I wasn’t overweight.”

At first, Sonal was concerned that she wouldn’t be able to balance everything alongside her fitness journey.

“I knew it was hard work from my husband’s journey and I didn’t know if I could juggle everything in my life.”

“Fitness, meal prep and steps with a full-time job and 2 young kids felt overwhelming. Especially since I knew how much support I had given my husband in the way of time and meal prepping to help him succeed.”

But with her customised roadmap to weight loss success, Sonal found time to work out, eat well and get her steps in without sacrificing any of her other responsibilities.

“Once I got my meal prep under control and fitness in a routine, I saw time savings and mental fortitude emerge.”

Lifestyle Transformed

Sonal has lost nearly 10 kilos and finally has a lean and fit physique!

Her fitness transformation has gone on to inspire the whole family.

“My daughters are now interested in fitness and getting their steps.”

Her weight loss journey was about more than just her body.

Sonal’s new-found energy and confidence have made a difference in her day-to-day life.

Now, she has made the time and energy to pursue her passions.

No more doom-scrolling on social media!

“It has motivated me outside of the physical and given me more confidence to pursue my passions. I’m still trying to push myself to accomplish those but I feel closer than I have before.”

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