
As a Vegetarian Chetan Joined RNT Lost Weight And Built Some Serious Veggie Muscle!

I had been trying to gain weight since I was 18 years old. I was always really skinny in and around the mid 50kg mark. Now aged 32 and 10 months post marriage I had shot up to around 72kg with a growing belly and popping shirt buttons!

I always told myself each year that I would get into the shape of my life! I’d looked online for training plans, tried p90x all that stuff and nothing really worked. Or to be fair I probably didn’t stick to it enough. My biggest downfall looking back really was my diet – I kept thinking I could eat what I wanted, I was skinny and my metabolism was fast and it had never let me down…I even kept telling myself my growing belly was just bloating.

I came across RNT on Instagram around November/December 2017 while searching for veggie diets or veggie muscle. I was sceptical at first and followed his page for a couple months before I bit the bullet and signed up! How was RNT getting veggies to transform?! I wanted a piece of that action.

It was hard work initially and the first couple months were really motivating but I didn’t really see a huge change which was slightly demotivating and I considered quitting (although I probably didn’t say this to the RNT team). But with all due credit to them each week I received encouraging feedback (even the odd weeks when I failed to check in because I wasn’t happy with the result or hadn’t trained properly) They reassured me saying everybody is different and not to try and think of getting results in 12 weeks, which is what I thought I’d achieve.

Slowly but surely things did change – probably after the 4 month mark the gut started to go. I started to work harder and focus more and more on my diet, finally getting a shoot booked in post Christmas – missing out on the Christmas indulge was difficult but a great challenge.

Having finally got close to photoshoot ready, I was still doubtful if I was fit enough, but the RNT team checked in everyday and asked for daily updates in the last couple weeks - pictures, weight, diet everything. It was great encouragement and I couldn’t have done it without their support.

On shoot day, a big shout out goes to SKotVisuals for making the whole process so comfortable. I was nervous at the start but after seeing a couple of shots I got into the groove. I finally got the six pack I’d always thought I could never achieve! Now onto the next phase of muscle building and getting stronger! Hopefully in a year’s time I can cut again and look to be in even better condition!

Best things about RNT:

  • Accountability to the team – you’re not just given a plan and left to your own devices.
  • There’s regular interaction – the more info you provide the more the team can help you
  • Personally tailored plans – diet and training
  • Client FB group – the other RNT clients are a huge help to your training. You feel so motivated seeing others succeed. Also sharing tips on recipes and hearing about the struggles others have gone through can really inspire.

My advice to anyone thinking about joining RNT:

You’ve got to be committed – don’t expect results immediately, put in the hard work and the team will definitely help you reach your goals

Tell your friends and family you’re going through a transformation. I couldn’t have achieved the results without the support of my wife (mainly because she cooked most of my meals!) When you’re having a tough period they’ll be able to push you through it.

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