
Busy entrepreneur and dedicated father lost 17kgs in 9 months to become the best version of himself

I am a father of 2 young children and run an established insurance and wealth management business in London. I have always been into fitness in some form or the other – whether it be via playing sports, going to the gym, home workouts, and even PTs. My diet was inconsistent at best. My job entails a great deal of networking, client dinners, corporate entertainment and late night social events on the weekends. Over the years it slowly took its toll on my body. At my highest point I got to about 86kg and it was climbing. I didn’t feel healthy and I didn’t feel in control of my body. Heart disease and diabetes is prevalent in my family, and after a routine check-up I was given a reality check by my doctor.

I came across RNT by complete chance. I overheard a conversation by my wife talking about a transformation of a friend of hers that she saw on Facebook. So intrigued I looked it up – and the results were impressive to say the least. That led to me to the RNT website which is packed to the rafters with information. What set RNT apart for me was the fact that they understood my lifestyle pressures as they had faced it countless times with their clients. As you do nowadays, I spent hours and hours reading through the testimonials and listening to the podcasts. They had a formula, a process and a complete system – it was no short term fix but it gave results!

I decided to take action and joined RNT in May 2019. My initial goal was to get into the “shape of my life” by my 40th birthday which was in January 2020. I had a few holidays booked in the lead up to keep me motivated. This was my short term goal, and hindsight perhaps a little short sighted of me as RNT has given me so much more than just getting me into physical shape.

The process was initially very tough until I adjusted to the diet and exercise program, but I soon got into the groove. The RNT team has been absolutely fantastic in supporting and pushing me all the way. They aren’t afraid to put me in my place, and that is what I admire about the whole team. Although empathetic they ultimately want results and it is that motivation and accountability which brings the results.

During my Consolidation Phase I dropped from 82kg to 65kg in 9 months, and I am now deep into my Investment Phase. The results have been insane. The results speak for themselves! Aside from the physical transformation which was what I set out to achieve, RNT has given me so much more. It has allowed me to build structure in my day, given me increased energy, drive and all round greater confidence in all aspects of my life. This has radiated to family and friends who are now embarking on their own fitness journey.

Thank you to the team at RNT for giving me the tools to bring out the best in myself.

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