Ep 386 - Investor Hall Of Fame | Satesh Sehdev: 50 Year Old Busy Doctor With All Year Beach Body!

Jun 7th, 2024


Ep 386 - Investor Hall Of Fame | Satesh Sehdev: 50 Year Old Busy Doctor With All Year Beach Body!

As part of our Fat Loss For The Final Time series, I’m going to be bringing on more and more of our long-term members who’ve successfully managed to go from the best of their shape, to being in shape for life.

Getting in shape is all about activity and nutrition over a long enough period of time. Staying in shape is about building a new identity and becoming a new person.

So in this episode with Satesh Sehdev, who’s been with RNT for 2.5 years, we dive into how he’s been able to stay within 5% of his photoshoot weight year round at the age of 50, despite juggling his family and work commitments as a busy doctor in the NHS. This is textbook execution of the RNT journey, so if you want to hear from one of our long-term members how to get in shape AND stay in shape, don’t miss this one.

Next steps: 

1) Apply for 1-1 coaching: https://www.rntfitness.co.uk/pro/  
2) Take our quiz to see if you’re ready for a transformation: http://www.rntfitness.co.uk/transform  
3) Get our free book shipped to your door: https://bit.ly/tybtylform  
4) Try our free 28 day fat loss accelerator: https://www.rntfitness.co.uk/transformation-accelerator 
5) Optimum Nutrition: RNT20 for 20% off 
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