
13 Weeks Later And Milesh Is Shredded

RNT has transformed my health in so many ways” - Milesh

If there’s one type of individual we love to work with at RNT, is the person who comes to us as the last resort. They’ve tried everything, spent years in the gym, hired plenty of trainers, but never seen the results that match their time and effort.

This was Milesh. In his early 30s working as a City professional in the payments industry, he’d spent more than a decade training hard with the aim of building a physique he was proud of.

As work and life became busier, everything was getting harder as the lack of structure, systems and proper daily habits became more apparent. The body fat was piling on, he was feeling lethargic and in his own words, he was starting to feel his age!

At the end of 2018, Milesh had had enough. With his wedding on the horizon in October 2019, he decided now was the time to go to the next level. He was ready to turn his life around, transform his body and create a new lifestyle for himself.

Enter RNT.

From the start, Milesh dove straight in and embraced the process, and in just 13 weeks, got absolutely shredded for a photoshoot – 6 months early for his wedding!

What this has allowed him to do is now reverse back properly, add more calories, build some muscle, and solidify his lifestyle solution as he starts married life. Remember, getting lean is only the introduction to the book. What comes after is where the real work begins!

In this case study today, we’re going to go old school and bring back the ‘week by week’ breakdown of how Milesh got into the shape of his life, and has learnt to keep it! This really is a great example of taking everything to the next level!

Starting Point

Prior to starting with RNT, Milesh was doing the following:

Training – 4 days a week for 45-60 minutes. Milesh was a regular gym goer, but it was all a bit random and he had no real structure to his plan.

Cardio – A mix of football once a week, and some running and hill sprints when he could fit it in.

Diet – Milesh’s diet wasn’t terrible. It just needed structure, tracking and education to bring the results he was after. A typical day before starting with RNT was as follows:

Breakfast: Oats with Almond milk, Banana and Green tea

Lunch: 3 Eggs, Bagel and Protein Yoghurt

Dinner: Chicken Stir Fry

Starting bodyweight – 74kg

Over the years I have learnt more about my body, but I haven’t had the results I’ve always wanted because I didn’t know how to sustain them – I believe this is down to the lack of education around nutrition and training. This is why it’s important to me. I want a thorough understanding of how my body works and explore the limitations of my mind and body through education so that this can become part of my lifestyle.

Initial Changes:

Training – To begin with, we kept it at 4 days a week on an upper / lower split, with the goal to get progressively stronger with the emphasis on perfect form. Throughout the 13 weeks lead up to the shoot, the programme didn’t change.

Diet – His macros to begin with were as follows:

P: 160g

F: 65g

C: 100g

Here’s the meal plan we started phase one with.

Breakfast: 3 Large Whole Eggs, 1 Apple

Mid-morning: 40g Whey, 20g Oats, 25g Peanut Butter

Lunch: 100g Chicken Breast, 100g Sweet Potato, Veggies

Mid-afternoon: 40g Whey, Kallo Blueberry 2 Rice Cakes, 25g Peanut Butter

Dinner: 100g Chicken Breast, 30g Rice, 1/2 Avocado, Veggies

Supplements – Here’s what we used to begin his transformation:

  • Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein
  • Vitamin D – 5000IU
  • Omega 3 – 4g per day
  • Creatine – 5g everyday
  • EAAs – 20g Intra workout

Cardio – No real traditional cardio to begin with, except for 10,000 steps and his weekly football that he enjoyed.

1 Week In: 71.9kg

Milesh went flying out the blocks and had no real issues in the first week. He nailed down everything he should, energy levels were up, and the only issue was a small reaction to avocados which we changed up easily.

Changes: Steps up to 11,000, and cardio introduced on his three rest days, starting off with 25mins on the stepper or treadmill.

2 Weeks In: 71.0kg

A minor setback this week, as Milesh pulled his hamstring while playing football, so we had to make some modifications to the training. Other than that, Milesh wasn’t messing around, and he booked a shoot with Shyam Kotecha of @skotvisuals this week. Talk about accountability!

Changes: Cardio time was increased to 30 mins, and 16 mins of HIIT was added, which was to be done on any day of the week.

3 Weeks In: 69.9kg

After 3 weeks of consistency and cleansing his palate, Milesh unlocked the RNT Interactive Meal Planner. He now had the freedom to create his own meal plan and add more variety. Despite ticking all the boxes, Milesh still couldn’t perform legs this week, his hamstring got a little worse, however he quickly recovered and was ready for The Process Phase!

Changes: We went aggressive on all fronts this week.


Protein: 160g

Fats: 55g (-10g)

Carbs: 75g (-25g)

LISS was up to 35mins this week.

4 Weeks In: 68.1kg

A pretty big drop this week, with gathered momentum really building now. The shoot had brought an extra sense of urgency, and Milesh was focused and locked in. He was loving the meal planner and using it now for flexibility.

Milesh did have an interesting question around the week 4 mark: “How much more do I need to drop to get photoshoot lean?”

At this stage, he still needed another 8-9kgs off him. Most guys usually underestimate how much muscle they have, and overestimate how much body fat they carry, as per one of our most read articles here. After a chat, he quickly understood that he’d need to be in the low 60s to be shoot lean, so got to work.

Changes: An extra 35 min of LISS was added, HIIT was now at 20mins, with an ab circuit which was done twice a week, one before HIIT.

5 Weeks In: 67.7kg

A solid week which brought some mental challenges as Milesh was over 6kg down, and beginning to feel the leaner state of his body!

Changes: LISS up to 40mins this week, and HIIT at 24mins. We wanted to keep the pressure on.

6 Weeks In: 66.5kg

Another good week in the books, although Milesh decided he wanted to cut out football from this week, as his hamstring just wasn’t recovering.

Changes: LISS was now pushed to 6 days a week of 40 mins, and HIIT now pushed to 28 mins this week.

7 Weeks In: 65.9kg

Hunger levels were kicking in, but nothing Milesh couldn’t manage. He started to get inventive with the meal planner, although he quickly realised that with hunger creeping in, having less decisions and variety would actually be a better strategy to adopt.

Changes: LISS was now 7 days a week for 45 mins, HIIT now at 30 mins, and steps went from 11,000 to 13,000 a day.

8 Weeks In: 64.2kg

Milesh wasn’t missing a trick, and we decided to move the shoot a week earlier given he was ahead of schedule. The only change this week was we added one 60 minute LISS session, while keeping the rest the same.

Changes: 1 x 60min LISS. Rest remains at 45 mins.

9 Weeks In: 63.7kg

The pictures every week were getting better and better. Abs were out and Milesh was now only 3-4kg away from being shoot ready.

Changes: LISS is now at 50 mins, and an extra ab session was also thrown in.

10 Weeks In: 62.8kg

With the shoot around the corner, energy levels were at an all-time high. After some issues with eggs earlier in the week, Milesh swapped in yoghurt using the meal planner.

He was also getting quite a few comments from people about how much fat he’d lost, but in his words, ‘I brushed it off, and didn’t let it affect me, which I am proud of’.

No changes to training, diet or cardio.

11 Weeks In: 61.4kg

Milesh was nailing everything, and thus far we hadn’t needed to adjust much of the macros and calories. With the shoot around the corner, and a little more body fat to clip, we needed to step on the gas.

Changes: Carbs were dropped to 50g on non-training days. The training days were kept the same. Ab workouts were pushed to 4 days a week now.

12 Weeks In: 60.7kg

The carb drop did the trick, and Milesh was looking awesome now. He was ready ahead of time, and so we decided to fill him out early and bump his food up.

Changes: Increased carbs to 100g across.

13 Weeks In: 60.5kg

Not much of a drop, but we didn’t need it. He was looking fuller and better in every aspect. It was time to add the final touches!

Peak Week:

The final week was kept simple. Here’s what we did:

Wednesday: Steps dropped to 6,000, no cardio, and macros to P: 160g, F: 50g, C: 300g.

Thursday: He was looking even better, so we kept carbs at 300g, and pushed fats to 60g.

Friday: He was full and ready, so we dropped carbs to 200g to keep everything tight

Shoot Day: 59.3kg

A very successful shoot, and Milesh absolutely smashed it. These were his comparison pictures so far:

As we mentioned earlier though, this was only the start. Now it was time for Milesh to effectively reverse diet and consolidate his position!

Week 1 Consolidation: 61.2kg

To begin with, food was pushed up on a daily basis, as follows:

P: 160g

F: 60g

C: 200g

Steps down to 10k and cardio was reduced to 4 times a week for 25 mins. No more HIIT.

If you transition straight into a reverse diet with no slips after being at your leanest, you can really ramp up food and continue to hold good condition!

Week 2 Consolidation: 59.5kg

Milesh was looking even better now, so we decided to push carbs up an extra 50g a day to 250g.

Week 3 Consolidation: 59.6kg

Still holding condition really well, we made a big bump in food, with carbs up 325g, and fats now at 70g.

Week 4 Consolidation: 59.3kg

Milesh was continuing to look better and better with abs still popping, and food way higher than at his leanest. We pushed the fats up even higher to 75g now.

Week 5 Consolidation: 59.4kg

No changes this week, Milesh was off to Liverpool for the Champions League semi-final, so we decided on a de-load and focus on recovery instead.

Week 6 Consolidation: 61.5

No changes this week as he’d been travelling lots, had a few weddings, and wanted to manage these situations effectively first.

High Performance for High Performers

After a successful Consolidation Phase, Milesh set a new goal, he wanted to get as strong as possible while staying in good condition ahead of his wedding in October.

After the wedding, he was ready to start investing, with a goal to build as much muscle as possible. That meant embracing the fluff, chasing performance in the gym, and getting strong! Milesh wanted to upgrade his physique and then learn to live a lifestyle solution, and so far, his Investment Phase is reflecting exactly that.

Along with the great physical improvements, he’s harnessed the power of the physical as the vehicle to become a high performer in his career, where he’s unlocked his true potential, pursuing new projects, and striving for excellence all round.

With this new anchor and foundation, he’s on a trajectory to achieve remarkable things in life!



My name is Milesh Patel, a 32 year old city professional within the payments industry.

To summarise my fitness background I’d say I have always held an active lifestyle. I’ve been playing football consistently for over 25 years, in the gym for over 10 years, trained in different disciplines of Martial Arts (Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) and my most recent achievement was completing the Spartan Trifecta (Obstacle Course Racing) within 7 months in 2018.

My commitment during the week to living a healthy and active lifestyle was apparent to most but admittedly I let myself go on the weekends. Binges were taking over. This was apparent as I was suddenly starting to feel my age and my overall health was taking a beating. I was not as fit as I used to be, the weight was coming on and my recovery was slow. This resulted in a spiral, a lifestyle of constant yo-yoing.

I knew I needed to tone it down, so I made the call at the end of December 2018. It was the perfect time for me and I was mentally ready to turn it around in 2019. I’d been following RNT for a while on Facebook and found a company where I could relate to their clientele. I’ve always wondered what it would take to go through a fat loss diet so I dived into their case studies. I knew I needed to educate myself on the nutrition side whilst having someone to be accountable to. Having been wary of using PT’s in the past, due to a bad experience, I found a match with RNT, even before I made contact. The published content, transformations, case studies, articles, podcasts were just some of the reasons why I decided to get in touch. What other platform gives you this information freely? I knew at this point, with my commitment and with RNT, things will work out for me and I was not wrong!

Working with RNT has been a godsend. It’s transformed my health in many ways and that’s not just from a physical point of view.. The amount I’ve learnt has been a real eye opener, so much so that I’m now diving deeper to learn more about nutrition. RNT produces great content and educational resources that you can relate to on your journey and for me everything fell into place like a jigsaw. The process was a fantastic experience. I discussed my goals with the RNT team, set out a plan and executed it.. My journey did not start too well as I pulled my hamstring in the first two weeks whilst playing football – but it did not stop me. This is where having the support of experts really becomes important. Having setbacks and still finding ways to achieve your goal. How we set out to work around this and still managed to achieve what we did in the first 13 weeks is remarkable.

A few simple pointers from me for anyone going through a similar journey or thinking about transforming their health:

– Really dig deep into your ‘Why’ – it’s so important to know what you’re doing this for.

– Set short term and long term goals and constantly monitor this to help with motivation when the going gets tough.

– Don’t just execute but LEARN from the process so this is embedded into your library for good.

– Be strong, committed and give everything to the process – you won’t regret it.

I’d like to thank a few people who’ve been on this journey with me. Thanks to Akash for creating an amazing community, the work you’ve done to create this community to educate and transform lives is nothing but commendable. I’d like to thank the RNT team – it’s been a pleasure to learn from all of you and I look forward to learning more during the next phase. Lastly and definitely a worthy mention – I’d like to thank my amazing partner Sonal – she’s been a fantastic support throughout the journey and continues to be supportive, someone who listened to my ‘Why’ and rode the difficult periods with me to which I will be forever grateful.

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