Transformation Thursday: We’re Hiring For Coaches!

Transformation Thursday: We’re Hiring For Coaches!

Akash Vaghela Akash Vaghela · Aug 8th, 2024

Akash’s Blog Beginner
6 Mins


    We’re on a hunt for Online Transformation Coaches to join our team!

    I wanted to add this to today’s edition in case you knew of anyone who may be interested.

    If you do, I’ve put together an entire page detailing the role and 3 reasons why it’s a no-brainer for the right person:

    1. They can actually be a coach. No focus on marketing, sales, or social media. They can stop planning content and start transforming lives.

    2. They can have a flexible schedule. This isn’t a laptop lifestyle where they can work an hour a day and sip pina coladas on the beach, but they can work from anywhere on their time, on their own schedule. 

    3. They can build a genuine career. They’ll engage in frequent mentoring and always be pushed to develop their skills whilst enjoying the peace of mind that comes with a full-time, permanent position in a growing company.

    If you know hungry coaches or trainers who want to grow, develop a career and make a difference, send them this page: 

    By the way, this is a big benefit for our members - our coaches are entirely focused and incentivised on their results.

    No distractions with creating content, doing sales, or worrying about running a business.

    Just laser focus on what they love: transforming lives!

    On that note, let’s dive into this week’s Transformation Thursday…


    3 Ways To Look, Feel & Perform Your Best

    1. Is bulking worth it?

    A common plan you hear on social media is to lose weight and then bulk to “aggressively” build muscle. 

    But if you’re in one of these 4 categories, I’d advise against it:
    • You’ve always struggled with your weight.
    • You’re at risk of health issues, especially cardiovascular concerns.
    • You prefer to look good year-round, vs spend multiple 18-24 month periods of carrying extra body fat. This might mean going on holiday “fluffy”.
    • You’re over 35 - the body fat gain isn’t worth the health risk.
    For most, we’ve found the following game plan to be the sweet spot:
    • Get into the best shape of your life.
    • Eat and move to stay within 0-10% of your leanest (the range will depend on how lean you are).
    • Train for strength and performance.
    • Work on battling your old habits (like stress/emotional eating) so you can stay in shape without worrying about it.
    2. Getting your first chin up!

    If you’re trying to get your first chin-up, my favourite exercise to implement is the negative chin-up. 

    15 years ago for me, they were a staple. I’d keep a chin-up bar on my bedroom door and do negatives till my arms couldn’t function 😅

    To do them:
    • Use a box and jump to the top so your chest is touching the bar. 
    • Get your shoulder blades back and down without hunching over. 
    • From the top position, control the descent in anywhere from 5-10 seconds.
    How many reps, and how long each lasts will depend on your existing strength levels.

    3 sets of 3-5 reps of 5-10 seconds is a great place to start.

    The key is to keep a consistent tempo through the rep - don’t jump to the top, hold for a bit, then drop fast down.

    To see a video of me doing it (and a few other ideas to try), check this post out here.

    3. Mindful eating tricks…

    If you’re walking into a tempting environment this week where you feel it may be difficult to control yourself, try pausing and asking yourself the following questions before eating a certain food item.
    • How will I feel in 10 minutes?
    • How will I feel in 10 hours?
    • How will I feel in 10 days?
    Not only does this allow you to bring more mindfulness into the situation, but it also allows you to visualise the impact of your choices.

    Just because something feels good in the short term does not mean it will feel good in the long term.

    Long-term satisfaction > short-term gratification!


    Want To Accelerate Your Results?

    If you’re enjoying this Transformation Thursday newsletter and want to finally feel good in your body, you may be interested in our flagship programme, RNT Pro.
    We specialise in helping real people with real lives get real results, and we’ve proven it over and over again with nearly 4000+ success stories.

    Our next cohort starting on August 12th is fully booked, so if you’d like to apply for a position on the cohort after, book a call with my team here.

    3 Wins To Inspire You…

    My team and I are always sharing screenshots in an internal channel called #wins. Here’s a few to inspire you this week…

    1. Father/Daughter Duo Compete

    There’s nothing like parents inspiring their kids to get active!
    2. The Good Weight Loss Problems!

    When your clothes no longer fit…
    3. Imagine Being 100% On Your Nutrition

    Using the RNT Method, our RNTers are able to get the best results with their diet despite a busy lifestyle.
    >> If you want to lose weight, get healthy and feel at your best with your busy lifestyle, apply to join our next cohort here.


    Want To Go Deeper In Your Journey?

    If you missed it, on Sunday I published a brand new video on YouTube.

    It’s a new style I’m playing around with - where I go “week-by-week” on a real life case study.

    This one is sharing how Shyam lost 12kg in 15 weeks to go from chubby city worker to photoshoot lean.

    Would love to know if you like this style ahead of my next filming session, so hit me up with a reply to this email with any feedback (or ideas on what you’d like next!)


    Thanks for reading.


    PS. If you’d like to get into the best physical and mental shape of your life, with no guesswork required, click here to apply for a position in our next cohort.
    Akash VaghelaAkash Vaghela

    Akash Vaghela has spent 10+ years transforming bodies and lives around the world, and in May 2017, founded RNT Fitness to serve this purpose. His vision is to see a world transformed, where ambitious high performers experience the power of the physical as the vehicle to unlock their real potential. He’s the author of the Amazon best-selling book Transform Your Body Transform Your Life, which explains his unique and proven five-phase methodology, is host of the RNT Fitness Radio podcast, has been featured in the likes of Men’s Health and BBC, whilst regularly speaking across the world on all things transformation.

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