Ep. 262 - Maintaining Muscle When Dieting, Peak Week & Body Recomposition w/ Chris Barakat

Mar 18th, 2022


Ep. 262 - Maintaining Muscle When Dieting, Peak Week & Body Recomposition w/ Chris Barakat

On today’s episode of RNT Fitness Radio, I’m pleased to be joined by Chris Barakat, Pro Natural Bodybuilder, Exercise Scientist, owner of Team Competitive Breed & Educator @ School of Gainz & University of Tampa. In this episode we dive into how to maintain muscle mass during dieting, the misconceptions around body recomposition, and if it’s possible, and the art of peaking your body to look its best when you want it to. If you’re into the extra 1%, and want to maximise your body composition gains for life, you’re going to love this chat with Chris!

00:14 - Why do you love bodybuilding? 
01:47 - What are your initial driving factors? 
05:26 - Body Dysmorphia - at what point did you get rid of that mentality? 
10:37 - What was one of your biggest lessons from the 2021 season? 
14:00 - How do you know if you’re just not motivated and genuinely unrecovered? 
15:50 - What behaviours drive you to  improve once you are locked in that state? 
17:23 - What are the key things to look at when it comes to muscle tension? 
27:30 - Scientifically, what do you think was going on in those two pictures? 
28:16 - How did you get over the mental games that your body weight is staying the same and that you’ve got 3-5 pounds to lose? 
30:00 - What do you think of fasted cardio or fasted training? 
39:04 - How are you going to spend your off season now? 
42:50 - For commercial gym members, what does crossing their T’s a little bit better means? 
45:13 - Peak week recommendations
49:15 - Case study with Scott Stevenson 
53:05 - Do you think you can roll out the same case study with your clients? 

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Adjunct Professor & Researcher: The University of Tampa 

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